
ARW Blogging Assignment 6

The most useful approach to use in critically analyzing The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway is "Santiago as a Christ Figure".

This is because, in OMS, many sentence or representation which seems to relate to Christianity. Also some directly words are used, such like Hail Marys, the Virgin of Cobre, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and so on. These will be enough evidence to indicate the relationship between OMS and Christianity. NP lecturer said that, Hemmingway tried to compare Santiago as Christ, but in my opinion comparison of ordinary people to Christ is very rude act. Especially religious christian feel impoliteness. By these reason I stated above, I conceive this approach is most useful to critical analyze.


ARW Blogging Assignment 5

The main characters in Old Man and the Sea are Santiago, a fisherman and Manolin, a boy who helps him.

adjectives that describe Santiago are old, isolated, tough. This is because he continue to fishing though he is old and he couldn't take a fish many days.(First page)

Three adjectives that describe Manolin are young, kind, sturdy. I felt his kindness by reading page 10. He is worried about that Santiago didn't get fish eighty-seven days and he suggested to go with him. Although he can ride lucky boat which caught good fish. His suggestion wasn't good for him but he didn't care about it because he loved

old man.(page10 line12-13) Also I could understand his sturdiness because he decided by himself to go with him and suggested.


ARW Blogging assignment 3

The pieces of information I found in sources to use to support my thesis and topic sentence ideas for Essay 2 are as follows.

The supporting piece of evidence that I found for body paragraph2 is a paraphrase"INVENTION OF LYING CRISTIAN REVIEW" http://ja-jp.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=173535076310&topic=11753&post=60243 I agree with this essay, so I state similar idea by using other example.

The supporting pieces of evidence that I found for body paragraph3 is a paraphrase "Complusive lying for sympathy and attention" http://askmehelpdesk.com/mental-emotional-health/complusive-lying-sympathy-attention-42782.html I felt this essay is very serious. It gives hint of my essay.


Blog assignment 1

The thesis statement I've chosen for Essay1 is the following: moderate playing helps our study.
If we study all day without rest, we'll have dislike for studying and became want to stop it. I think moderate playing makes us to keep going.


How do "good" college teachers present information?

According to Meiland, a "good" college teacher present information in the following way.
Teachers present some information that are believed currently. Also they spend much time talking about the basis on which this information is currently believed. They discuss to discern that the information is good for believe or not.
I'm agree with this way of present information. On the opinion of Meiland, college requires a different higher type of understanding. I think accepting every thing without question is foolish and college isn't require that. Probably "good" college teacher want to make student who can think by own self, in other words, Critical thinker. Discussion is good training to become it. Critical thinker can notice about the reliability and make question.
If we want to be a critical thinker or get higher type of understanding, we should discuss and think deeply.